Hi, I’m Kristin Nielson.
Your Coach at Healthy Goddesses
I started Coaching Women in 2016 after commencing my first Health Coaching Certification. My love of health has been with me since my teens, and my interest in personal growth began with a very fortuitous meeting of my first mentors and meditation teachers in my 20’s.
At this point I was living from a core value that said “to give to myself was to take away from others” and a belief that “I was not good enough.”
As a consequence, I know what it is like to overgive and undervalue my own wellbeing. I know what it is like to be chronically unwell and just accept that as normal. I know what it is like to be peddling so hard that everything looks good on the outside yet inside feeling exhausted, numb, and resentful.
Snotty, wheezy, achy, bloated, short fused, fatigued, wired and resentful….with a smile (insert smile emoji) …that was my way!
I really did not know that there was another way to live.
I have climbed out of this place and put many self care and self loving structures in place.
I have been mentored and guided and learned and am still learning to listen to my own body and intuition.
I have studied the art of coaching, practised and studied yoga and meditation extensively, sat in countless woman's circles and trained to facilitate them, and dived deep into Functional Medicine and root cause solutions for chronic illness.
I know how to listen to women deeply and hear things they often can’t hear themselves.
I know how to help them peel back the layers and find what is in their way and help them create a path and an environment for healing.
Because if we are dimming our light through habits and lifestyles that don't serve our own wellbeing, we cannot possibly bring our best selves in service of our families and communities.
My purpose:
It is my mission to help as many women as possible to move towards a state of complete health from which they can serve their highest purpose in this life, whatever that may be.
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
KRI Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training
Women’s Facilitator Training
Professional Memberships:
Australia and New Zealand Health Coaches Association.